Nu am mai
făcut de multă vreme lecţii de portugheză, aşa că încerc să recuperez pregătind
tot felul de dulciuri portugheze, pe care le iau direct de la sursă: Doces Regionais. De data asta vă prezint
nişte pâinici dulci, pufoase, acoperite cu multă nucă de cocos. Sunt nişte
minunăţii! Şi cum putea să fie altfel când se numesc pâinile lui Dumnezeu (pães de Deus). În unele regiuni
din Portugalia, conform tradiţiei, aceste pâinici sunt oferite de naşi finilor
de Ziua Tuturor Sfinţilor.
(în funcţie de
cât de mari facem pâinicile, ies cam 12-15)
- 625 g făină
- 20 g drojdie proaspătă
- 350 ml lapte
- 100 g unt, la temperatura camerei
- 125 g zahăr
- 2 ouă
- un vârf de sare
- coaja rasă de la jumătate de lămâie
- 2 linguri de rom (opţional)
- 100 g nucă cocos rasă
- 100 g zahăr
- 3 ouă
- zahar pudră
Cernem 125 g
făină într-un castron, facem o gaură în centru şi adăugăm drojdia dizolvată în
lapte şi 2 ouă. Amestecăm bine cu o lingură de lemn şi lăsăm să dospească timp
de 10-15 minute.
După 15 minute |
Într-un castron
mai mare cernem restul de făină (500 g), facem o gaură în centru şi adăugăm
untul, zahărul, sarea, romul, coaja de lămâie şi aluatul dospit.
Începem să frământăm, adăugând treptat laptele rămas. Frământăm bine circa 10-15 minute, apoi lăsăm aluatul să crească până îşi dublează volumul (eu l-am ţinut în cuptorul încălzit uşor cam 45 de minute).
Începem să frământăm, adăugând treptat laptele rămas. Frământăm bine circa 10-15 minute, apoi lăsăm aluatul să crească până îşi dublează volumul (eu l-am ţinut în cuptorul încălzit uşor cam 45 de minute).
Între timp
pregătim amestecul de cocos: punem într-un castron toate ingredientele (nuca de
cocos, zahărul şi ouăle) şi amestecăm bine cu o lingură de lemn până obţinem o
compoziţie omogenă.
Mai frământăm puţin aluatul ca să facem o bilă
mare, ne pudrăm mâinile cu făină, apoi rupem bucăţi de aluat şi facem pâinici
rotunde nici prea mari nici prea mici (în reţeta originală se menţiona că ar
trebui să aibă cam 80 g – mie mi s-au părut cam mici şi am preferat să fac
pâinici ceva mai mari, chiar dacă mi-au ieşit mai puţine).
După ce am umplut tava, lăsăm pâinicile să
crească cam 15 minute şi între timp preîncălzim cuptorul.
Coacem pâinicile la foc potrivit cam 35 de
minute (ar trebui să devină aurii, dar depinde şi de cuptor).
I am behind with my Portuguese lessons, so I try to make amends by preparing Portuguese sweets, for which I inspire myself directly from a Portuguese website: Doces Regionais. This time, let me introduce you to these fluffy sweet loaves of bread, covered with a delicious coconut mixture. They are absolutely wonderful! How could it be otherwise, when they are known as bread of God (pão de Deus). In some regions in Portugal, there is this tradition according to which godparents give to their godchildren this sweet bread on All Saints Day.
(depending on how big you make the loaves of bread, you'll get about 12-15)
- 625 g flour
- 20 g fresh yeast
- 350 ml milk
- 100 g butter, at room temperature
- 125 g sugar
- 2 eggs
- a pinch of salt
- zest from half of a lemon
- 2 tablespoons rum (optional)
- 100 g grated coconut
- 100 g sugar
- 3 eggs
- icing sugar
We heat the milk until is lukewarm, then mix the yeast with 50 ml of the warm milk.
We sift 125 g flour in a bowl, make a cavity in the center and add in the yeast mixture and 2 eggs. We stir well with a wooden spoon and let it leaven for 10-15 minutes.
In a larger bowl, we sift the rest of the flour (500 g), make a cavity in the middle and add in the butter, sugar, salt, rum, lemon zest and the leavened dough. We start kneading, adding gradually the remaining milk. We knead for about 10-15 minutes, then leave the dough to rise until double (I left it in the gently preheated oven for about 45 minutes).
Meanwhile, we prepare the coconut mixture: we put all the ingredients (grated coconut, sugar and eggs) in a bowl and stir well with a wooden spoon until smooth.
We cover a tray with parchment paper and start making the loaves of bread.
We knead the dough a little more just to make a large ball, then powder our hands with flour, take pieces of the dough and make round loaves not too big nor too small (in the original recipe, it says they should have around 80 g – I found them too small and so I preferred to make them larger and fewer).
We put them in the tray, keeping distance between them as they will grow when baking.
Once the tray is full, we let the loaves to rise for about 15 minutes, while we preheat the oven.
We cover each loaf with 1-2 spoons of the coconut mixture.
We bake the bread to medium heat for about 35 minutes (they should get golden-brown, but this depends on your oven).
When the loaves are done, we let them cool for a few minutes, then powder them plentifully with icing sugar.
We sift 125 g flour in a bowl, make a cavity in the center and add in the yeast mixture and 2 eggs. We stir well with a wooden spoon and let it leaven for 10-15 minutes.
In a larger bowl, we sift the rest of the flour (500 g), make a cavity in the middle and add in the butter, sugar, salt, rum, lemon zest and the leavened dough. We start kneading, adding gradually the remaining milk. We knead for about 10-15 minutes, then leave the dough to rise until double (I left it in the gently preheated oven for about 45 minutes).
Meanwhile, we prepare the coconut mixture: we put all the ingredients (grated coconut, sugar and eggs) in a bowl and stir well with a wooden spoon until smooth.
We cover a tray with parchment paper and start making the loaves of bread.
We knead the dough a little more just to make a large ball, then powder our hands with flour, take pieces of the dough and make round loaves not too big nor too small (in the original recipe, it says they should have around 80 g – I found them too small and so I preferred to make them larger and fewer).
We put them in the tray, keeping distance between them as they will grow when baking.
Once the tray is full, we let the loaves to rise for about 15 minutes, while we preheat the oven.
We cover each loaf with 1-2 spoons of the coconut mixture.
We bake the bread to medium heat for about 35 minutes (they should get golden-brown, but this depends on your oven).
When the loaves are done, we let them cool for a few minutes, then powder them plentifully with icing sugar.
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