Mai aveam o cutie de mascarpone în frigider şi
nu ştiam ce să fac cu ea. Şi iată că am dat peste această reţetă minunată.
Aşa că am purces la bucătărit nişte brioşe “înălţătoare”!
- 150 g unt, la temperatura camerei
- 200 g zahăr
- 100 g ciocolată neagră
- 2 linguri cafea măcinată
- 2 linguriţe cafea solubilă
- 5 gălbenuşuri
- 3 albuşuri
- ½ linguriţă extract de vanilie
- 5 linguri făină
- un vârf de sare
- 200 g mascarpone
- 50 g zahăr
- 2 albuşuri
- ½ linguriţă extract de vanilie
- cacao
Punem într-o cratiţă untul, zahărul, ciocolata
mărunţită, cafeaua măcinată şi cea solubilă.
Dăm la foc potrivit şi amestecăm până obţinem o compoziţie omogenă.
Dăm la foc potrivit şi amestecăm până obţinem o compoziţie omogenă.
Luăm de pe foc şi lăsăm să se răcească bine.
Între timp pregătim crema: mixăm brânza
mascarpone cu zahărul, apoi adăugăm vanilia şi albuşurile şi mixăm până obţinem
o cremă fină.
Când crema de ciocolată s-a răcit, îl transferăm
într-un castron şi adăugăm gălbenuşurile, vanilia, sarea şi făina, apoi mixăm
Ungem cu ulei şi tapetăm cu făină forme individuale de brioşe.
Turnăm aluatul în forme, apoi punem crema de
mascarpone din loc in loc şi amestecăm puţin cu o furculiţă pentru a forma
vârtejuri alb-ciocolatii.
Poftă bună!
I had some mascarpone cheese left in the fridge and didn't know what to do with it. And then I found this wonderful recipe. So I started baking some “uplifting” muffins!
(10-12 muffins)
I had some mascarpone cheese left in the fridge and didn't know what to do with it. And then I found this wonderful recipe. So I started baking some “uplifting” muffins!
(10-12 muffins)
- 150 g butter, at room temperature
- 200 g sugar
- 100 g dark chocolate
- 2 tablespoons ground coffee
- 2 teaspoons instant coffee
- 5 yolks
- 3 whites
- ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
- 5 tablespoons flour
- a pinch of salt
- 200 g mascarpone
- 50 g sugar
- 2 whites
- ½ teaspoon vanilla extract
- cocoa
We add in a saucepan the butter, sugar, chopped chocolate, ground coffee and instant coffee.
We let them boil on medium heat and stir until we obtain a smooth mixture.
We remove from heat and let it cool completely.
Meanwhile we prepare the cream: we mix the mascarpone cheese with the sugar, then add the vanilla and whites and mix again until smooth.
When the chocolate cream has cooled, we pour it into a bowl and add in the yolks, vanilla, salt and flour and then mix.
Separately we beat the whites until smooth and then incorporate them gradually into the batter, stirring gently with a spatula.
We grease with oil and powder with flour some individual muffin molds.
We pour the batter in the forms, then add over it the mascarpone cream and use a fork to mix the cream in the batter just to make some white-chocolate swirls.
We bake the muffins in the preheated oven, to medium heat, for 20 minutes.
We let the muffins to cool in the molds.
We let them boil on medium heat and stir until we obtain a smooth mixture.
We remove from heat and let it cool completely.
Meanwhile we prepare the cream: we mix the mascarpone cheese with the sugar, then add the vanilla and whites and mix again until smooth.
When the chocolate cream has cooled, we pour it into a bowl and add in the yolks, vanilla, salt and flour and then mix.
Separately we beat the whites until smooth and then incorporate them gradually into the batter, stirring gently with a spatula.
We grease with oil and powder with flour some individual muffin molds.
We pour the batter in the forms, then add over it the mascarpone cream and use a fork to mix the cream in the batter just to make some white-chocolate swirls.
We bake the muffins in the preheated oven, to medium heat, for 20 minutes.
We let the muffins to cool in the molds.
We serve them powdered
with cocoa, directly from the mold or transferred on a plate.
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