Acum ceva timp am
dat peste reţeta asta de batoane energizante din nuci şi fructe uscate. Miam miam...
trebuia să le încerc şi eu. Numai că eu nu am obţinut o compoziţie lipicioasă
cum ar fi trebuit ca să pot forma batoane (posibil să fi fost curmalele puţin
cam uscate?!), aşa că am făcut nişte bomboane, pe care le-am modelat cu mâna. Pentru
orice (sau aproape) există o soluţie, nu-i aşa?
PS: pudra de
roşcove este contribuţia mea, pentru un plus de gust şi sănătate.
Pentru 20 de bomboane:
- 200 g nuci (alune de pădure, nuci, fistic, migdale, caju etc.)
- 200 g fructe uscate (smochine, caise, prune etc.)
- 17 curmale fără sâmburi
- 2 linguri pudră de roşcove
Putem folosi nucile crude sau rumenite în cuptor (10-15 minute, la foc potrivit, apoi
lăsate să se răcească) – eu am folosit un mix de alune de pădure şi nuci crude.
Punem nucile, fructele
uscate (eu am folosit smochine şi caise) şi curmalele într-un robot de
Pornim robotul la viteză maximă – la început va merge mai greu, de aceea e bine să facem pauze la câteva secunde. Dacă rămân bucăţi de nuci sau fructe lipite pe margine, oprim robotul şi le dăm jos cu o spatulă.
Pornim robotul la viteză maximă – la început va merge mai greu, de aceea e bine să facem pauze la câteva secunde. Dacă rămân bucăţi de nuci sau fructe lipite pe margine, oprim robotul şi le dăm jos cu o spatulă.
Când nucile şi fructele sunt deja mărunţite,
lăsăm robotul pornit 1-2 minute – compoziţia ar trebui să se strângă într-o
bilă ca de aluat (după cum v-am
spus, la mine nu s-a întâmplat asta).
Dacă compoziţia a
ieşit destul de lipicioasă, tapetăm o tavă cu
folie de plastic şi turnăm compoziţia în ea. O întindem bine cu mâna şi presăm.
O acoperim cu folie de plastic, mai presăm puţin cu mâna şi dăm tava la
frigider pentru cel puţin 2 ore (sau chiar peste noapte). Scoatem apoi
tava, răsturnăm cu grijă compoziţia pe un blat şi tăiem dreptunghiuri.
Dacă nu, facem bomboane. Cel mai
uşor este să punem puţin amestec într-o folie de plastic, strângem bine, apoi
modelăm bomboana în mână.
batoanele/bomboanele individual în folie de plastic şi le putem păstra circa o
săptămână într-o cutie închisă bine, la frigider.
Poftă bună!
Some time ago I found this recipe for energy bars made from nuts and dried fruits. Mmmm... I had to try them. Unfortunately my composition wasn't as sticky as it should have been in order to make the bars (it is possible that my dates were a little too dry, maybe?!), so I made some truffles, modeled in my hands. For (almost) anything there is a solution, isn't it?
We can use the nuts raw or roasted in the oven (10-15 minutes, to medium heat, then left to cool) – I used a mix of raw hazelnuts and walnuts.
We put the nuts, dried fruits (I used figs and apricots) and dates in a food processor. We turn it on at the highest speed – in the beginning it will work a little bit difficult, so it's better to take breaks every few seconds. If pieces of nuts or fruits get stuck on the food processor bowl, we turn it off and remove them with a spatula.
When the nuts and fruits are well crumbled, we leave the food processor on for 1-2 minutes – everything should stick in one ball, like the dough (as mentioned before, it didn't happen in my case).
We add in the carob powder and turn the food processor on for another 30-45 minutes.
If the mixture is sticky enough, we cover a tray with plastic foil and put on top our mixture. We level it and press with our hands, then cover it with plastic foil, press again and leave it in the fridge for at least 2 hours (or better overnight). We then remove the tray, take out the mixture on a worktop and cut rectangles.
Some time ago I found this recipe for energy bars made from nuts and dried fruits. Mmmm... I had to try them. Unfortunately my composition wasn't as sticky as it should have been in order to make the bars (it is possible that my dates were a little too dry, maybe?!), so I made some truffles, modeled in my hands. For (almost) anything there is a solution, isn't it?
PS: the carob powder is my contribution, for an extra flavor and health.
For 20 truffles:
- 200 g nuts (hazelnuts, walnuts, pistachios, almonds, cashews etc.)
- 200 g dried fruits (figs, apricots, plums etc.)
- 17 pitted dates
- 2 tablespoons carob powder
We can use the nuts raw or roasted in the oven (10-15 minutes, to medium heat, then left to cool) – I used a mix of raw hazelnuts and walnuts.
We put the nuts, dried fruits (I used figs and apricots) and dates in a food processor. We turn it on at the highest speed – in the beginning it will work a little bit difficult, so it's better to take breaks every few seconds. If pieces of nuts or fruits get stuck on the food processor bowl, we turn it off and remove them with a spatula.
When the nuts and fruits are well crumbled, we leave the food processor on for 1-2 minutes – everything should stick in one ball, like the dough (as mentioned before, it didn't happen in my case).
We add in the carob powder and turn the food processor on for another 30-45 minutes.
If the mixture is sticky enough, we cover a tray with plastic foil and put on top our mixture. We level it and press with our hands, then cover it with plastic foil, press again and leave it in the fridge for at least 2 hours (or better overnight). We then remove the tray, take out the mixture on a worktop and cut rectangles.
If not, we form truffles. The easiest way is to put some mixture in a plastic foil, squeeze it, then model the truffle in our hands.
We wrap each bar/truffle in plastic foil and we can keep them for about a week in an airtight container, in the fridge.Enjoy!
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