Tot la
Alina am găsit şi reţeta asta de cozonac şi cum ea a folosit siropul de la
mucenici, eu am folosit siropul de smochine de care vă povesteam mai devreme,
pe care l-am amestecat cu puţină apă caldă, pentru că era destul de gros. Simplu
de făcut, fără lapte, ouă sau unt, umpluţi cu ce vreţi/aveţi la îndemână,
aceşti cozonaci sunt de o pufoşenie incredibilă... merită încercaţi!
Pentru 2 cozonaci:
- 1 kg făină
- 50 g drojdie proaspătă
- ½ lingură zahăr
- 300 ml apă caldă
- 300 ml sirop
- 140 ml ulei de floarea soarelui
- ½ linguriţă sare
- coji de citrice confiate
- ciocolată
- stafide
- rahat
După cum v-am spus eu am folosit siropul de la
smochine. Puteţi însă pregăti un sirop din 225 ml apă, 100 g zahăr şi extract
de vanilie sau coajă de portocală. Puneţi toate ingredientele într-o
crăticioară, la foc mic-potrivit. Când începe să fiarbă, mai lăsaţi un minut pe
foc, apoi daţi la o parte îi lăsaţi să se răcorească până la temperatura la
care puteţi frământa cu el (deci fără să vă opăriţi).
Punem făina cernută într-un vas încăpător,
facem o adâncitură în mijloc şi punem drojdia fărâminţată şi zahărul.
Turnăm siropul cald peste făină şi începem să
frământăm, turnând apoi treptat uleiul. Toată treaba durează cam 7 minute.
Acoperim din nou vasul şi lăsăm aluatul la
crescut într-un loc cald, circa o oră.
Când timpul s-a scurs, preîncălzim cuptorul la
180º Celsius şi acoperim fundul şi pereţii tăvilor de cozonac cu hârtie de copt.
Lăsăm cozonacii
la crescut cam 10 minute, apoi îi introducem în cuptor, pe raftul din mijloc,
pentru 40-50 de minute. Pe raftul de jos al cuptorului punem un vas cu apă rece
(acest lucru va împiedica cozonacii să se ardă).
Când sunt gata, îi
mai lăsăm cam 5 minute în tăvi să se răcorească, apoi îi răsturnăm pe un grătar
sau blat de lemn, pe o parte, şi îi acoperim cu un prosop. Îi lăsăm aşa până se
răcesc, apoi îi învelim în folie de plastic, ca să se menţină proaspeţi.
Poftă bună!
Also on Alina's blog I found this brioche recipe and, since she used the syrup from "mucenici", I used my fig syrup which I mentioned earlier, mixed with some warm water because it was kind of thick. Easy to make, with no milk, eggs or butter, filled with whatever you want/have at hand, this brioche is so fluffly... you should definitely try it!
Also on Alina's blog I found this brioche recipe and, since she used the syrup from "mucenici", I used my fig syrup which I mentioned earlier, mixed with some warm water because it was kind of thick. Easy to make, with no milk, eggs or butter, filled with whatever you want/have at hand, this brioche is so fluffly... you should definitely try it!
For 2 brioches:
- 1 kg flour
- 50 g fresh yeast
- ½ tablespoons sugar
- 300 ml warm water
- 300 ml syrup
- 140 ml sunflower oil
- ½ teaspoon salt
- candied citrus peel
- chocolate
- raisins
- Turkish delight
As already mentioned, I used my fig syrup. But you can make a syrup from 225 ml water, 100 g sugar and vanilla extract or orange zest. Put all the ingredients in a saucepan, to low-medium heat. When the composition starts boiling, leave another minute and remove from heat. Let it cool until warm enough to be able to knead with it (so without scalding yourselves).
We put the sifted flour in a large bowl, make a pit in the middle and add the crumbled yeast and sugar.
We pour in the warm water and gently stir until the yeast is dissolved.
We cover the bowl with a kitchen towel and leave it to leaven for 10-15 minutes in a warm place.
We pour in the warm syrup and start kneading, pouring gradually the oil. It lasts for about 7 minutes.
In the end we add in the salt and knead for another 2 minutes.
We cover again the bowl and leave the dough to rise for about one hour.
We put the sifted flour in a large bowl, make a pit in the middle and add the crumbled yeast and sugar.
We pour in the warm water and gently stir until the yeast is dissolved.
We cover the bowl with a kitchen towel and leave it to leaven for 10-15 minutes in a warm place.
We pour in the warm syrup and start kneading, pouring gradually the oil. It lasts for about 7 minutes.
In the end we add in the salt and knead for another 2 minutes.
We cover again the bowl and leave the dough to rise for about one hour.
When the time is passed, we preheat the oven to 180º Celsius and line the bottom and sides of the brioche tins with parchment paper.
We knead the dough for another 1-2 minutes and divide it into two parts.
We grease a worktop with oil and stretch one part of the dough. We cover it with our favorite filling, the roll it and put it in the tin.
We do the same with the second part of the dough (I braid this one, but you can leave it simple).
We let the brioches to rise for 10 minutes, then put them in the oven, on the middle shelf, for 40-50 minutes. On the lower shelf we put a tray with cold water (this will prevent the brioches to get burned).
We knead the dough for another 1-2 minutes and divide it into two parts.
We grease a worktop with oil and stretch one part of the dough. We cover it with our favorite filling, the roll it and put it in the tin.
We do the same with the second part of the dough (I braid this one, but you can leave it simple).
We let the brioches to rise for 10 minutes, then put them in the oven, on the middle shelf, for 40-50 minutes. On the lower shelf we put a tray with cold water (this will prevent the brioches to get burned).
When the brioches are ready, we leave them for 5 minutes in the tins to cool, then put them on a wire rack or wooden plate, on one side, and cover them with a towel. We leave them like this until cooled, then wrap them in plastic sheet to preserve.
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