Duminica ce a trecut, pe înserate, cine cocea
fursecuri? Eu… asta pentru că am ţinut neapărat să nu treacă weekend-ul fără să
fac ceva dulce, deşi n-aveam energia şi cheful necesare pentru cine ştie ce
aventură culinară. Astfel m-am oprit la reţeta Alinei de biscuiţi cu scorţişoară, pe care ea i-a modelat sub formă de cochilii de melci. La mine nu
s-a păstrat aşa de bine forma după coacere, ci s-au umflat destul de mult. Dar tot
buuuune sunt… cu gust de banane şi aromă de scorţişoară!
- 520 g făină
- 150 g zahăr pudră
- 3 linguriţe scorţişoară
- ½ linguriţă ghimbir pudră
- 1/8 linguriţă sare
- 1 linguriţă bicarbonat de amoniu
- 250 ml apă
- 1 banană zdrobită
- 1 lingură ulei
- 1 lingură suc de lămâie
Amestecăm ingredientele uscate: făina, zahărul
pudră, scorţişoara, ghimbirul, sare şi bicarbonatul de amoniu.
Turnăm peste acest amestec apa, banana
zdrobită, uleiul şi sucul de lămâie, apoi amestecăm bine cu o lingură de lemn
până obţinem un aluat omogen (dacă e nevoie, frământăm puţin cu mâna).
Învelim aluatul în folie alimentară şi îl lăsăm la frigider pentru cel puţin o oră.
Învelim aluatul în folie alimentară şi îl lăsăm la frigider pentru cel puţin o oră.
Preîncălzim cuptorul la foc iute.
Rupem bucăţi din aluat şi le rulăm sub formă
de suluri, apoi le răsucim pentru a forma cochiliile (dacă aluatul e prea
lipicios, ne pudrăm puţin mâinile şi blatul de lucru cu făină).
Poftă bună!
Last Sunday evening, who was baking cookies? Me... that's because I didn't want to let the weekend pass without making something sweet, although I hadn't the necessary energy and mood for a great culinary adventure. So I chose Alina's recipe for cinnamon cookies, which she modeled as snail shells. Mine didn't keep their form once baked, as they swelled a lot. But they are still soooo goood... with banana and cinnamon flavor!
Last Sunday evening, who was baking cookies? Me... that's because I didn't want to let the weekend pass without making something sweet, although I hadn't the necessary energy and mood for a great culinary adventure. So I chose Alina's recipe for cinnamon cookies, which she modeled as snail shells. Mine didn't keep their form once baked, as they swelled a lot. But they are still soooo goood... with banana and cinnamon flavor!
- 520 g flour
- 150 g icing sugar
- 3 teaspoons cinnamon
- ½ teaspoon ground ginger
- 1/8 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon ammonium bicarbonate
- 250 ml water
- 1 squashed banana
- 1 tablespoon oil
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
We mix together the dry ingredients: flour, icing sugar, cinnamon, ginger, salt and ammonium bicarbonate.
We pour in the water, squashed banana, oil and lemon juice, then stir well with a wooden spoon until we obtain a smooth dough (if necessary, we knead a little).
We wrap the dough in plastic sheet and leave it in the fridge for at least one hour.
We preheat the oven to high temperature.
We take pieces from the dough and roll them, then twist them to form the shells (if the dough is too sticky, we can powder our hands and the worktop with some flour).
We put them on a tray covered with parchment paper and bake them for 10-12 minutes.
We transfer them on a wire rack or leave them in the tray until cooled.
We pour in the water, squashed banana, oil and lemon juice, then stir well with a wooden spoon until we obtain a smooth dough (if necessary, we knead a little).
We wrap the dough in plastic sheet and leave it in the fridge for at least one hour.
We preheat the oven to high temperature.
We take pieces from the dough and roll them, then twist them to form the shells (if the dough is too sticky, we can powder our hands and the worktop with some flour).
We put them on a tray covered with parchment paper and bake them for 10-12 minutes.
We transfer them on a wire rack or leave them in the tray until cooled.
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