Alături de clasicele brigadeiros, există o
mulţime de variante care mai de care mai interesante: cu mango, căpşuni sau
cachaça. Eu m-am gândit să improvizez puţin şi, folosind o reţetă de brigadeiros cu dovleac (pe care le voi face curând), am făcut aceste trufe cu morcovi
(brigadeiros de cenoura).
- 395 g lapte condensat
- 150 g morcov ras fin
- 14 g unt
- nucă de cocos
Amestecăm continuu cu o lingură
de lemn până ce compoziţia se îngroaşă (cam 25-30 de minute). Atenţie să nu se
prindă şi să nu se umfle prea tare!
Luăm cratiţa de pe foc şi turnăm compoziţia
într-o formă unsă cu unt, apoi o lăsăm să se răcească bine.
Le aşezăm în hârtii de bomboane şi le punem
într-o cutie închisă bine la frigider, ca să se mai întărească puţin.
Le scoatem de la frigider cu puţin timp înainte de servire.
Le scoatem de la frigider cu puţin timp înainte de servire.
Poftă bună!
In addition to the classic brigadeiros truffles, there are many other versions, one more interesting than the other: with mango, strawberries or cachaça. I thought to improvise o little and, using a recipe for pumpkin brigadeiros (which I'll be making soon), I made these carrot truffles (brigadeiros de cenoura).
- 395 g condensed milk
- 150 g finely grated carrot
- 14 g butter
- grated coconut
We combine in a saucepan, over medium heat, the condensed milk, grated carrot and butter.
We stir constantly with a wooden spoon until the mixture thickens (about 25-30 minutes). Be careful as it could get burnt or could swell.
When we separate the composition with the spoon and it stays like that for a few seconds, it's ready.
We remove the saucepan from heat and pour the mixture in a tray, previously greased with butter, then leave it to cool.
We grease our hands with butter and make the truffles, then roll them through grated coconut.
We put the truffles in candy papers and then in an airtight container in the refrigerator, so that they will harden a little more.
We remove them from the refrigerator some time before serving.
We stir constantly with a wooden spoon until the mixture thickens (about 25-30 minutes). Be careful as it could get burnt or could swell.
When we separate the composition with the spoon and it stays like that for a few seconds, it's ready.
We remove the saucepan from heat and pour the mixture in a tray, previously greased with butter, then leave it to cool.
We grease our hands with butter and make the truffles, then roll them through grated coconut.
We put the truffles in candy papers and then in an airtight container in the refrigerator, so that they will harden a little more.
We remove them from the refrigerator some time before serving.
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