Vine, vine Moş Nicolae!! Eu le-am pregătit celor dragi, pentru această zi,
nişte fursecuri cu multă ciocolată şi nuci. Am văzut reţeta la începutul anului
în emisiunea “La Prova del Cuoco”, am încercat-o în primăvară şi iată acum a
ajuns şi pe blog. Sunt uşor de făcut şi absolut delicioase... iar dacă sunteţi
fani ciocolată, cu siguranţă vor fi pe placul vostru. Ambalate simplu, în
punguţe de celofan, devin un cadou dăguţ, pentru care veţi fi răsplătiţi cu
cel mai frumos zâmbet! Aşa că, la treabă!
Dacă sunteţi
curioşi de ce le-am numit “e.l.f.”, aflaţi că acesta va fi numele dulciurilor
ciocolatoase pe care le voi face de acum încolo. În ceea ce priveşte semnificaţia numelui, rămâne
deocamdatǎ un secret. Sunt însă şi eu curioasă dacă aveţi voi vreo idee. Lăsaţi-mi
un comentariu şi cel mai simpatic poate primi un cadou dulce!
Melt the 200 g chocolate with the butter, in a bowl over simmering water.
circa 50 de fursecuri:
- 200 g ciocolată
- 80 g unt
- 2 ouă
- 80 g zahăr
- 40 g făină
- sare
- ¼ linguriţă praf de copt
- 170 g ciocolată bucăţi
- 200 g nuci (opţional prăjite)
Lăsăm compoziţia
la frigider, acoperind bine castronul, pentru circa o oră.
Pentru a forma
fursecurile, luăm cam o lingură din compoziţie şi punem pe tava acoperită cu
hârtie de copt, lăsând cam 3-4 cm între ele.
Coacem fursecurile
10-12 minute, în cuptorul preîncălzit, la foc mediu.
Când s-au răcit
complet, le aşezăm în cutii metalice sau le ambalăm în pungi de celofan.
Saint Nicholas is coming!! I made, for this day, for the ones dear to my heart some cookies with lots of chocolate and walnuts. I saw the recipe back in the beginning of the year in the culinary show “La Prova del Cuoco”, I tried it in the spring and now it's time to show it to you on my blog. They are quite easy to make and really delicious... and if you are chocoholics, they will definitely win your hearts. Packed simply, in poly bags, they become the perfect gift, which will be rewarded with the mot beautiful smile! So, let's start baking!
If you wonder why I named these cookies “e.l.f.”, you should know that this is the name I will give from now on to my chocolate sweets. What these three letters mean it remains a secret for now. But I am curious if you have any ideas. So leave a comment and the sweetest may receive a sweet gift!
If you wonder why I named these cookies “e.l.f.”, you should know that this is the name I will give from now on to my chocolate sweets. What these three letters mean it remains a secret for now. But I am curious if you have any ideas. So leave a comment and the sweetest may receive a sweet gift!
about 50 cookies:
- 200 g chocolate
- 80 g butter
- 2 eggs
- 80 g sugar
- 40 g flour
- salt
- ¼ teaspoon baking powder
- 170 g chocolate cut into chunks
- 200 g walnuts (optional roasted)
Melt the 200 g chocolate with the butter, in a bowl over simmering water.
Separately, whisk eggs and sugar.
Fold in the flour, previously mixed with salt and baking powder.
Incorporate the melted chocolate.
Finally, add the chocolate chunks and the walnuts cut into large pieces.
Fold in the flour, previously mixed with salt and baking powder.
Incorporate the melted chocolate.
Finally, add the chocolate chunks and the walnuts cut into large pieces.
Leave the batter in the refrigerator, covering very well the bowl, for about one hour.
To make the cookies, take about one spoon of the batter and put it on the parchment lined tray, leaving 3-4 cm between them.
To make the cookies, take about one spoon of the batter and put it on the parchment lined tray, leaving 3-4 cm between them.
Bake the cookies for 10-12 minutes, in the preheated oven, to medium heat.
Leave them to cool in the tray for a couple of minutes, then transfer them on a wire rack.
Leave them to cool in the tray for a couple of minutes, then transfer them on a wire rack.
When completely cooled, place them in cookie jars or in poly bags.
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